The ENBIO Drinks  was created to fulfill the desires of those who want to enjoy the true elegance of the genuine apéritif at any occasion, even when alcohol is not an option.

Uniting the best flavor tra­di­tions with the modern tech­nolo­gies and se­lec­ting the high quality ingredients, we have come to make the non-alcoholic apéritifs that we are proud of. Our Alcohol Free Apéritifs are a result of a years-long jour­ney in search for pure taste and aroma of the bouquet - rich non-alcoholic distillates.

The sophistication of the tech­no­lo­gi­cal solution provides even the temp­ted afi­ci­o­na­dos of the finest wines with an ex­qui­si­te ex­pe­ri­ence! Non-alcoholic vermouth Blutul gives an un­con­ven­ti­o­nal view of the tra­di­tio­nal fortified wine and an elegant flavor for a healthy and classy life.

Let it be your good habit!
ENBIO Drinks continues to explore the edges of the non-alcoholic distillates tastes to create new products.

We produce wines and more ...